Corify Care wins Premios Emprende XXI from La Caixa in Madrid awards, innovative company category

Corify Care has won the EmprendeXXI Awards in Madrid, promoted by CaixaBank, through DayOne, its specialized division for technology, innovation companies and their investors, and co-awarded by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, through of ENISA. In Madrid, the organization of the EmprendeXXI Awards has the support of the Madrid Chamber of Commerce and the Madrid+d Foundation

The prize is granted with, 6,000 euros, access to specialized international training given by ESADE and experts from Silicon Valley, which in this edition will take place in Munich (Germany), and the opportunity to participate in the Investors Day EmprendeXXI, a day where They will maintain contact with investors and companies interested in collaborating with the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

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