This October Corify Care was present at the Congress of the Spanish Society of Cardiology that took place in Palma de Mallorca.
During the congress, our Clinical Research Manager Jana Reventós Presmanes was awarded the 2nd prize for the best communication of Basic/Translational or Technological Scientific Innovation with her work on validation of the ECGi in atrial tachycardia-flutter. Congratulations Jana!

Moreover, during the congress the clinicians talked about ACORYS, our non-invasive mapping system. Specifically, Dr. Ivo Roca of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and our co-founder María Guillem presented ACORYS ECGi system as “the ECG of the 21st century”

In addition, Jean-Baptiste Guichard, Cardiac Electrophysiologist at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, discussed how Corify’s ECGi system can be useful for non-invasive stratification of healthy ventricular substrate.

Corify Care was also named by companies in the investment sector: EIT Health, the great promoter of innovation in health, mentioned Corify as a successful case in its presentation on supporting clinicians for entrepreneurship in Cardiology.

Finally, it should be noted that our CEO Andreu M. Climent also had the opportunity to present our non-invasive cardiac electroanatomical mapping system in detail in his talk.

At Corify we are very happy with our participation in the congress and we hope to return next year in order to present our technological advances.