CORIFY CARE, awarded of the Quality Innovation Award (QIA) for its ACORYS innovation, will represent Spain in the international phase of the QIAs.

● On Friday, December 4 at 11:00 a.m., the European awarded organizations will present their innovations in an event that can be followed remotely through streaming here
● The QIA Awards highlight innovative projects of companies and organizations with the aim of increasing their competitiveness and that of the participating countries.

The National Association of Centers for Excellence, CEX, will recognize seven Spanish organizations as winners of the national phase of the Quality Innovation Award, QIA, a competition created in 2007 by Excellence Finland to promote innovative projects in companies and organizations, to share experiences and to give local and international recognition to the best.

CORIFY CARE SLhas been awarded in the INNOVATION IN THE HEALTH SECTOR category for its innovation ACORYS®, a non-invasive solution for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases based on the combination of electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI), 3D reconstruction and artificial intelligence..

Organizing committee of the QIA
It is the fourth time that Spain participates in the QIA Awards thanks to the incorporation in 2017 of the Association of Centers for the Promotion of Excellence (CEX) to the organizing committee of the awards. The rest of member institutions promoting the Quality, Excellence and Innovation come from Finland, Estonia, Hungary, Israel, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, Russia, Sweden, China, Thailand, Botswana, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe..
Both the candidates and the awarded companies have developed a Quality Innovation, that is, an innovation that meets five characteristics: novelty, usefulness, learning, customer orientation and effectiveness.

About the CEX
The Association of Centers for the Promotion of Excellence are distributed throughout Spain and its main objective is to jointly and in a coordinated way, to promote the development of a culture of quality, innovation and excellence in business management in our country. The Spanish CEX Centers are the Castilla y León Institute for Business Competitiveness, the La Rioja Economic Development Agency (ADER), Madrid Excelente, the Asturian Quality Club, the Navarra Foundation for Excellence, the Basque Foundation for Excellence (EUSKALIT), the Aragonese Development Institute (IAF), the Balearic Islands Institute of Business Innovation (IDI), the Society for the Development of Cantabria (Sodercan) and the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE).

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