Corify team continues growing!

In the last month three new members have joined the Corify team to accelerate the process to the market. We are proud to announce the arrival of David Lundback, Javier Milagro and Ixeia Sánchez to Corify

David Lundback will take over the CTO (Chief Technological Officer) position at Corify. David holds a Technical Industrial Engineer degree and a Master on AI from Universitat Politécnica of Valencia. David is 10 years’ experience in the development of hardware and software devices.

Javier Milagro will assume the Regulatory manager and Quality Affairs position. Javier holds PhD (Cum Laudem) in Biomedical Engineering from University of Zaragoza and a Bachelor degree and Master in Telecommunications Engineer.

Ixeia Sánchez is the new Trainee student at Corify. She comes from the Universitat Politécnica of Valencia, where she is studying a double degree in Telecommunication Engineer and Business Administration and Management. She is graduating at the top of her class.

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