Corify selected as the most promising start-up in the I Life Sciences investorcapital forum

Corify selected as the most promising start-up in the I Life Sciences investor capital forum

Last 6th of February tool place at the Parc Cientific of Barcelona the I Life Sciences Investor Capital Forum 2020. The event organized by the Capital Pymes Forum together with Parc Científic de Barcelona, Canaan Investment & Research and Keiretsu Forum, had the collaboration of Genesis Ventures, Hoffmann Eitle and Innovative Bioconsulting as sponsors of the event.
The round table was formed by leading entities such as, Asabys Partners, Ysios Capital, Inveready, Caixa Capital Risc and Psious.

Then, each company had 10 minutes of presentation plus questions with the objective of financing their projects, requesting capital increases of 500,000 to 7,000,000 euros, to continue developing their projects or to undertake their growth and expansion plans.
After all the presentations, Corify Care was selected as the best #startup at the 2020. It was a great honor, considering the really interesting projects presented! Corify Care wants to thank all the organization and panel. We are an step closer to help patients!

Corify selected as the most promising start-up in the I Life Sciences investor capital forum

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